Source code for cfxdb.xbr.block

#               Database
#     Copyright (c) Technologies GmbH. Licensed under MIT.

import pprint

import flatbuffers
import numpy as np
from cfxdb import pack_uint256, unpack_uint256
from cfxdb.gen.xbr import Block as BlockGen
from zlmdb import table, MapBytes32FlatBuffers

class _BlockGen(BlockGen.Block):
    Expand methods on the class code generated by flatc.

    FIXME: come up with a PR for fla_CatalogGentc to generated this stuff automatically.
    def GetRootAsBlock(cls, buf, offset):
        n = flatbuffers.encode.Get(flatbuffers.packer.uoffset, buf, offset)
        x = _BlockGen()
        x.Init(buf, n + offset)
        return x

    def BlockNumberAsBytes(self):
        o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(6))
        if o != 0:
            _off = self._tab.Vector(o)
            _len = self._tab.VectorLen(o)
            return memoryview(self._tab.Bytes)[_off:_off + _len]
        return None

    def BlockHashAsBytes(self):
        o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(8))
        if o != 0:
            _off = self._tab.Vector(o)
            _len = self._tab.VectorLen(o)
            return memoryview(self._tab.Bytes)[_off:_off + _len]
        return None

[docs]class Block(object): """ Blockchain blocks. This table stores information about the series of Ethereum blocks that make up the blockchain. """ def __init__(self, from_fbs=None): self._from_fbs = from_fbs # uint64 self._timestamp = None # [uint8] (uint256) self._block_number = None # [uint8] self._block_hash = None # uint32 self._cnt_events = None def marshal(self) -> dict: obj = { 'timestamp': int(self.timestamp) if self.timestamp else None, 'block_number': pack_uint256(self.block_number) if self.block_number else 0, 'block_hash': bytes(self.block_hash) if self.block_hash else None, 'cnt_events': self.cnt_events, } return obj def __str__(self): return '\n{}\n'.format(pprint.pformat(self.marshal())) @property def timestamp(self) -> np.datetime64: """ Timestamp when record was inserted (Unix epoch time in ns). """ if self._timestamp is None and self._from_fbs: self._timestamp = np.datetime64(self._from_fbs.Timestamp(), 'ns') return self._timestamp @timestamp.setter def timestamp(self, value: np.datetime64): assert value is None or isinstance(value, np.datetime64) self._timestamp = value @property def block_hash(self) -> bytes: """ Block hash. """ if self._block_hash is None and self._from_fbs: if self._from_fbs.BlockHashLength(): self._block_hash = self._from_fbs.BlockHashAsBytes() return self._block_hash @block_hash.setter def block_hash(self, value: bytes): assert value is None or type(value) == bytes self._block_hash = value @property def block_number(self) -> int: """ Primary key: block number. """ if self._block_number is None and self._from_fbs: if self._from_fbs.BlockNumberLength(): _block_number = self._from_fbs.BlockNumberAsBytes() self._block_number = unpack_uint256(bytes(_block_number)) else: self._block_number = 0 return self._block_number @block_number.setter def block_number(self, value: int): assert value is None or type(value) == int self._block_number = value @property def cnt_events(self) -> int: """ Number of XBR blockchain log events found in the block. """ if self._cnt_events is None and self._from_fbs: self._cnt_events = self._from_fbs.CntEvents() return self._cnt_events or 0 @cnt_events.setter def cnt_events(self, value: int): assert value is None or type(value) == int self._cnt_events = value @staticmethod def cast(buf): return Block(_BlockGen.GetRootAsBlock(buf, 0)) def build(self, builder): block_number = self.block_number if block_number: block_number = builder.CreateString(pack_uint256(block_number)) block_hash = self.block_hash if block_hash: block_hash = builder.CreateString(block_hash) BlockGen.BlockStart(builder) if self.timestamp: BlockGen.BlockAddTimestamp(builder, int(self.timestamp)) if block_number: BlockGen.BlockAddBlockNumber(builder, block_number) if block_hash: BlockGen.BlockAddBlockHash(builder, block_hash) if self.cnt_events: BlockGen.BlockAddCntEvents(builder, self.cnt_events) final = BlockGen.BlockEnd(builder) return final
[docs]@table('a4a0553e-24fa-4280-9959-5805f034d861',, cast=Block.cast) class Blocks(MapBytes32FlatBuffers): """ Blockchain blocks processed. Map :class:`zlmdb.MapBytes32FlatBuffers` from ``block_number`` to :class:`cfxdb.xbr.Block` """