Source code for cfxdb.mrealm.application_realm

#               Database
#     Copyright (c) Technologies GmbH. Licensed under MIT.

from typing import Optional, List, Any, Dict
from uuid import UUID
import pprint

import numpy as np

from cfxdb.common import ConfigurationElement
from cfxdb.gen.arealm.ApplicationRealmStatus import ApplicationRealmStatus

[docs]class ApplicationRealm(ConfigurationElement): """ Application realm database configuration object. """ STATUS_BY_CODE = { ApplicationRealmStatus.NONE: 'NONE', ApplicationRealmStatus.STOPPED: 'STOPPED', ApplicationRealmStatus.STARTING: 'STARTING', ApplicationRealmStatus.RUNNING: 'RUNNING', ApplicationRealmStatus.PAUSED: 'PAUSED', ApplicationRealmStatus.STOPPING: 'STOPPING', ApplicationRealmStatus.ERROR: 'ERROR', ApplicationRealmStatus.DEGRADED: 'DEGRADED', } STATUS_BY_NAME = { 'NONE': ApplicationRealmStatus.NONE, 'STOPPED': ApplicationRealmStatus.STOPPED, 'STARTING': ApplicationRealmStatus.STARTING, 'RUNNING': ApplicationRealmStatus.RUNNING, 'PAUSED': ApplicationRealmStatus.PAUSED, 'STOPPING': ApplicationRealmStatus.STOPPING, 'ERROR': ApplicationRealmStatus.ERROR, 'DEGRADED': ApplicationRealmStatus.DEGRADED, } STATUS_STOPPED = ApplicationRealmStatus.STOPPED STATUS_STARTING = ApplicationRealmStatus.STARTING STATUS_RUNNING = ApplicationRealmStatus.RUNNING STATUS_PAUSED = ApplicationRealmStatus.PAUSED STATUS_STOPPING = ApplicationRealmStatus.STOPPING STATUS_ERROR = ApplicationRealmStatus.ERROR STATUS_DEGRADED = ApplicationRealmStatus.DEGRADED def __init__(self, oid: Optional[UUID] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, workergroup_oid: Optional[UUID] = None, webcluster_oid: Optional[UUID] = None, datamarket_oid: Optional[UUID] = None, changed: Optional[np.datetime64] = None, owner_oid: Optional[UUID] = None, _unknown: Optional[Any] = None): """ :param oid: Object ID of application realm :param label: Optional user label of application realm :param description: Optional user description of application realm :param tags: Optional list of user tags on application realm :param name: Name of application realm :param status: Status of application realm. :param workergroup_oid: When running, router cluster worker group this application realm is running on. :param webcluster_oid: When running, the web cluster to serve as a frontend layer for the application realm. :param datamarket_oid: When this application realm is to be federated with nodes paired to a different management realm (master node) or run by different operators. :param changed: Timestamp when the application realm was last changed :param owner_oid: Owning user (object ID) """ ConfigurationElement.__init__(self, oid=oid, label=label, description=description, tags=tags) = name self.status = status self.workergroup_oid = workergroup_oid self.webcluster_oid = webcluster_oid self.datamarket_oid = datamarket_oid self.changed = changed self.owner_oid = owner_oid # private member with unknown/untouched data passing through self._unknown = _unknown def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if not ConfigurationElement.__eq__(self, other): return False if != return False if other.status != self.status: return False if other.workergroup_oid != self.workergroup_oid: return False if other.webcluster_oid != self.webcluster_oid: return False if other.datamarket_oid != self.datamarket_oid: return False if other.changed != self.changed: return False if other.owner_oid != self.owner_oid: return False return True def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self) -> str: return pprint.pformat(self.marshal())
[docs] def copy(self, other: 'ApplicationRealm', overwrite: bool = False): """ Copy over other object. :param other: Other application realm to copy data from. :param overwrite: Overwrite members already set. """ ConfigurationElement.copy(self, other, overwrite=overwrite) if (not and or overwrite: = if (not self.status and other.status) or overwrite: self.status = other.status if (not self.workergroup_oid and other.workergroup_oid) or overwrite: self.workergroup_oid = other.workergroup_oid if (not self.webcluster_oid and other.webcluster_oid) or overwrite: self.webcluster_oid = other.webcluster_oid if (not self.datamarket_oid and other.datamarket_oid) or overwrite: self.datamarket_oid = other.datamarket_oid if (not self.changed and other.changed) or overwrite: self.changed = other.changed if (not self.owner_oid and other.owner_oid) or overwrite: self.owner_oid = other.owner_oid
# _unknown is not copied!
[docs] def marshal(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Marshal this object to a generic host language object. """ obj = ConfigurationElement.marshal(self) obj.update({ 'oid': str(self.oid) if self.oid else None, 'name':, 'status': ApplicationRealm.STATUS_BY_CODE[self.status] if self.status in ApplicationRealm.STATUS_BY_CODE else None, 'workergroup_oid': str(self.workergroup_oid) if self.workergroup_oid else None, 'webcluster_oid': str(self.webcluster_oid) if self.webcluster_oid else None, 'datamarket_oid': str(self.datamarket_oid) if self.datamarket_oid else None, 'changed': int(self.changed) if self.changed else None, 'owner_oid': str(self.owner_oid) if self.owner_oid else None, }) if self._unknown: # pass through all attributes unknown obj.update(self._unknown) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ApplicationRealm': """ Parse generic host language object into an object of this class. :param data: Generic host language object :returns: New instance of this class. """ assert type(data) == dict obj = ConfigurationElement.parse(data) data = obj._unknown # future attributes (yet unknown) are not only ignored, but passed through! _unknown = {} for k in data: if k not in [ 'oid', 'name', 'status', 'workergroup_oid', 'webcluster_oid', 'owner_oid', 'changed' ]: _unknown[k] = data[k] name = data.get('name', 'arealm-{}'.format(str(obj.oid)[:8])) assert type(name) == str status = data.get('status', None) assert status is None or (type(status) == str) status = ApplicationRealm.STATUS_BY_NAME[status] if status in ApplicationRealm.STATUS_BY_NAME else None workergroup_oid = None if 'workergroup_oid' in data and data['workergroup_oid'] is not None: assert type( data['workergroup_oid']) == str, 'workergroup_oid must be a string, but was {}'.format( type(data['workergroup_oid'])) workergroup_oid = UUID(data['workergroup_oid']) webcluster_oid = None if 'webcluster_oid' in data and data['webcluster_oid'] is not None: assert type(data['webcluster_oid']) == str, 'webcluster_oid must be a string, but was {}'.format( type(data['webcluster_oid'])) webcluster_oid = UUID(data['webcluster_oid']) datamarket_oid = None if 'datamarket_oid' in data and data['datamarket_oid'] is not None: assert type(data['datamarket_oid']) == str, 'datamarket_oid must be a string, but was {}'.format( type(data['datamarket_oid'])) datamarket_oid = UUID(data['datamarket_oid']) owner_oid = None if 'owner_oid' in data and data['owner_oid'] is not None: assert type(data['owner_oid']) == str, 'owner_oid must be a string, but was {}'.format( type(data['owner_oid'])) owner_oid = UUID(data['owner_oid']) changed = data.get('changed', None) assert changed is None or type(changed) == int if changed: changed = np.datetime64(changed, 'ns') obj = ApplicationRealm(oid=obj.oid, label=obj.label, description=obj.description, tags=obj.tags, name=name, workergroup_oid=workergroup_oid, webcluster_oid=webcluster_oid, datamarket_oid=datamarket_oid, status=status, owner_oid=owner_oid, changed=changed, _unknown=_unknown) return obj