Source code for cfxdb.meta.attribute

#               Database
#     Copyright (c) Technologies GmbH. Licensed under MIT.

import pprint
from uuid import UUID

import cbor2
import flatbuffers
import numpy as np
from cfxdb.gen.meta import Attribute as AttributeGen
from zlmdb import table, MapUuidUuidStringFlatBuffers

class _AttributeGen(AttributeGen.Attribute):
    Expand methods on the class code generated by flatc.

    FIXME: come up with a PR for flatc to generated this stuff automatically.
    def GetRootAsAttribute(cls, buf, offset):
        n = flatbuffers.encode.Get(flatbuffers.packer.uoffset, buf, offset)
        x = _AttributeGen()
        x.Init(buf, n + offset)
        return x

    def TableOidAsBytes(self):
        o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(4))
        if o != 0:
            _off = self._tab.Vector(o)
            _len = self._tab.VectorLen(o)
            return memoryview(self._tab.Bytes)[_off:_off + _len]
        return None

    def ObjectOidAsBytes(self):
        o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(6))
        if o != 0:
            _off = self._tab.Vector(o)
            _len = self._tab.VectorLen(o)
            return memoryview(self._tab.Bytes)[_off:_off + _len]
        return None

    def ValueAsBytes(self):
        o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(12))
        if o != 0:
            _off = self._tab.Vector(o)
            _len = self._tab.VectorLen(o)
            return memoryview(self._tab.Bytes)[_off:_off + _len]
        return None

[docs]class Attribute(object): """ Generic meta-data attributes that can be stored on objects in tables. """ def __init__(self, from_fbs=None): self._from_fbs = from_fbs # [uint8] (required, uuid) self._table_oid = None # [uint8] (required, uuid) self._object_oid = None # string (required) self._attribute = None # uint64 (timestamp) self._modified = None # [uint8] (cbor) self._value = None def marshal(self) -> dict: obj = { 'table_oid': self.table_oid.bytes if self.object_oid else None, 'object_oid': self.object_oid.bytes if self.object_oid else None, 'attribute': self.attribute, 'modified': int(self.modified) if self.modified else None, 'value': bytes(self._value) if self._value else None, } return obj def __str__(self): return '\n{}\n'.format(pprint.pformat(self.marshal())) @property def table_oid(self) -> UUID: """ Table of the object holding the attribute. """ if self._table_oid is None and self._from_fbs: if self._from_fbs.TableOidLength(): _table_oid = self._from_fbs.TableOidAsBytes() self._table_oid = UUID(bytes=bytes(_table_oid)) return self._table_oid @table_oid.setter def table_oid(self, value: UUID): assert value is None or isinstance(value, UUID) self._table_oid = value @property def object_oid(self) -> UUID: """ Object (within the table) holding the attribute. """ if self._object_oid is None and self._from_fbs: if self._from_fbs.ObjectOidLength(): _object_oid = self._from_fbs.ObjectOidAsBytes() self._object_oid = UUID(bytes=bytes(_object_oid)) return self._object_oid @object_oid.setter def object_oid(self, value: UUID): assert value is None or isinstance(value, UUID) self._object_oid = value @property def attribute(self) -> str: """ Attribute name (part of the key). """ if self._attribute is None and self._from_fbs: attribute = self._from_fbs.Attribute() if attribute: self._attribute = attribute.decode('utf8') return self._attribute @attribute.setter def attribute(self, value: str): assert value is None or type(value) == str self._attribute = value @property def modified(self) -> np.datetime64: """ Timestamp when the attribute was last modified (or first created). """ if self._modified is None and self._from_fbs: self._modified = np.datetime64(self._from_fbs.Modified(), 'ns') return self._modified @modified.setter def modified(self, value: np.datetime64): assert value is None or isinstance(value, np.datetime64) self._modified = value @property def value(self): """ Arbitrary attribute value, stored CBOR-serialized. """ if self._value is None and self._from_fbs: if self._from_fbs.ValueLength(): _value = self._from_fbs.ValueAsBytes() if _value: self._value = cbor2.loads(_value) return self._value @value.setter def value(self, new_value): self._value = new_value @staticmethod def cast(buf): return Attribute(_AttributeGen.GetRootAsAttribute(buf, 0)) def build(self, builder): table_oid = self.table_oid.bytes if self.table_oid else None if table_oid: table_oid = builder.CreateString(table_oid) object_oid = self.object_oid.bytes if self.object_oid else None if object_oid: object_oid = builder.CreateString(object_oid) attribute = self.attribute if attribute: attribute = builder.CreateString(attribute) value = self.value if value: value = builder.CreateString(cbor2.dumps(value)) AttributeGen.AttributeStart(builder) if table_oid: AttributeGen.AttributeAddTableOid(builder, table_oid) if object_oid: AttributeGen.AttributeAddObjectOid(builder, object_oid) if attribute: AttributeGen.AttributeAddAttribute(builder, attribute) if self.modified: AttributeGen.AttributeAddModified(builder, int(self.modified)) if value: AttributeGen.AttributeAddValue(builder, value) final = AttributeGen.AttributeEnd(builder) return final
[docs]@table('42b1ca1f-f135-4761-8d10-f96a43612178',, cast=Attribute.cast) class Attributes(MapUuidUuidStringFlatBuffers): """ Generic meta-data attributes that can be stored on objects in tables. Primary key of this table is ``(table_oid, object_oid, attribute)``. Map :class:`zlmdb.MapUuidUuidStringFlatBuffers` from ``(table_oid, object_oid, attribute)`` to :class:`cfxdb.meta.Attribute` """