Source code for cfxdb.common

#               Database
#     Copyright (c) Technologies GmbH. Licensed under MIT.

import web3
import struct
import uuid
import pprint

def unpack_uint256(data):
    assert data is None or type(data) == bytes, 'data must by bytes, was {}'.format(type(data))
    if data and type(data) == bytes:
        assert len(data) == 32, 'data must be bytes[32], but was bytes[{}]'.format(len(data))

    if data:
        return web3.Web3.toInt(data)
        return 0

def pack_uint256(value):
    assert value is None or (type(value) == int and value >= 0
                             and value < 2**256), 'value must be uint256, but was {}'.format(value)

    if value:
        data = web3.Web3.toBytes(value)
        return b'\x00' * (32 - len(data)) + data
        return b'\x00' * 32

class uint256(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        self._data = data or b'\x00' * 32

    def value(self):
        return unpack_uint256(self._data)

    def value(self, value):
        self._data = pack_uint256(value)

    def serialize(self):
        return self._data

def unpack_uint128(data):
    assert data is None or (type(data) == bytes and len(data) == 16)

    if data:
        return web3.Web3.toInt(data)
        return 0

def pack_uint128(value):
    assert value is None or (type(value) == int and value >= 0 and value < 2**128)

    if value:
        data = web3.Web3.toBytes(value)
        return b'\x00' * (16 - len(data)) + data
        return b'\x00' * 16

class uint128(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        self._data = data or b'\x00' * 16

    def value(self):
        return unpack_uint128(self._data)

    def value(self, value):
        self._data = pack_uint128(value)

    def serialize(self):
        return self._data

def unpack_uint64(data):
    assert data is None or (type(data) == bytes and len(data) == 8)

    if data:
        return web3.Web3.toInt(data)
        return 0

def pack_uint64(value):
    assert value is None or (type(value) == int and value >= 0 and value < 2**64)

    if value:
        data = web3.Web3.toBytes(value)
        return b'\x00' * (8 - len(data)) + data
        return b'\x00' * 8

class uint64(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        self._data = data or b'\x00' * 8

    def value(self):
        return unpack_uint64(self._data)

    def value(self, value):
        self._data = pack_uint64(value)

    def serialize(self):
        return self._data

class address(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        self._data = data or b'\x00' * 20

    def value(self):
        w2, w1, w0 = struct.unpack('>LQQ', self._data)
        return w2 << 16 + w1 << 8 + w0

    def value(self, value):
        assert (type(value) == int and value >= 0 and value < 2**160)
        w0 = value % 2**64
        value = value >> 8
        w1 = value % 2**64
        value = value >> 8
        w2 = value % 2**32
        self._data = struct.pack('>LQQ', w2, w1, w0)

    def serialize(self):
        return self._data

[docs]class ConfigurationElement(object): """ CFC configuration element, an abstract "thing" with a unique identifier ("oid", which is of type UUID) and that can be user documented using * label * description * tags These elements are under user (application) control and not interpreted by the CFC backend code (beyond their basic types of string or list of string). Configuration elements can be nearly everything in CFC configuration: * Users * Mrealms * Nodes * ... """ # oid: uuid.UUID oid = None """ Object ID. """ # label: Optional[str] label = None """ User label for object (optional free text). """ # description: Optional[str] description = None """ User description for object (optional free text) """ # tags: Optional[List[str]] tags = None """ User tags for object (optional free list of text portions) """ def __init__(self, oid=None, label=None, description=None, tags=None, _unknown=None): self.oid = oid self.label = label self.description = description self.tags = tags # private member with unknown/untouched data passing through self._unknown = _unknown def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if other.oid != self.oid: return False if other.label != self.label: return False if other.description != self.description: return False if (self.tags and not other.tags) or (not self.tags and other.tags): return False if other.tags and self.tags: if set(other.tags) ^ set(self.tags): return False # _unknown is not part of comparison return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.marshal()) def copy(self, other, overwrite=False): if (not self.oid and other.oid) or overwrite: self.oid = other.oid if (not self.label and other.label) or overwrite: self.label = other.label if (not self.description and other.description) or overwrite: self.description = other.description if (not self.tags and other.tags) or overwrite: self.tags = other.tags # _unknown is not copied def marshal(self): assert self.oid is None or isinstance(self.oid, uuid.UUID) assert self.label is None or type(self.label) == str assert self.description is None or type(self.description) == str assert self.tags is None or (type(self.tags) == list and type(tag) == str for tag in self.tags) obj = dict() obj['oid'] = str(self.oid) if self.oid else None obj['label'] = self.label obj['description'] = self.description obj['tags'] = self.tags return obj @staticmethod def parse(data): assert type(data) == dict # future attributes (yet unknown) are not only ignored, but passed through! _unknown = dict() for k in data: if k not in ['oid', 'label', 'description', 'tags']: _unknown[k] = data[k] oid = None if 'oid' in data and data['oid'] is not None: assert type(data['oid']) == str oid = uuid.UUID(data['oid']) label = None if 'label' in data and data['label'] is not None: assert type(data['label']) == str label = data['label'] description = None if 'description' in data and data['description'] is not None: assert type(data['description']) == str description = data['description'] tags = None if 'tags' in data and data['tags'] is not None: assert type(data['tags']) == list for tag in data['tags']: assert type(tag) == str tags = data['tags'] obj = ConfigurationElement(oid=oid, label=label, description=description, tags=tags, _unknown=_unknown) return obj